Dr. Itai Sharon

Dr. Itai Sharon

Dr. Sharon received his B.Sc, M.Sc, and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. His Ph.D. thesis, done under the supervision of Prof. Oded Beja and Prof. Ron Pinter, focused on the development of computational methods for the study of microbial communities through metagenomics and the application of these methods for the study of phages in marine environments. Dr. Sharon did his postdoc at Prof. Jill Banfield's lab at UC Berkeley. During this time, he developed methods for genome-resolved metagenomics and applied them to study microbial communities in the gut of newborns, groundwater, and soil.

Dr. Sharon's research group at Migal/Tel-Hai focuses on

  • Developing methods for analyzing metagenomics data with an emphasis on soil
  • Studying the interplay between soil and plant microbiomes and their environment
  • Utilizing large public genomic and metagenomic datasets to improve the robustness of human (and other environments) microbiome studies
איתי שרון
Accordion Title Areas of Interest

Areas of Interest

Soil microbiome, human microbiome, metagenomics analysis, bioinformatics, data science

Accordion Title Research


Dr. Sharon's research interests lie on the boundary between computer science and microbial ecology. Current projects in Dr. Sharon's group include

  • Developing new methods for metagenomics binning with an emphasis on soil
  • Characterizing the interactions between the soil microbiome and its environment in Israel
  • Defining prokaryotic species in human and other microbiomes
  • Incorporating microbiome and other data from different sources to study the human microbiome during inflammatory bowel diseases
Accordion Title Teaching


  • System programming
  • Introduction to programming - Python (Bioinformatics department)
  • Introduction to data science (CS, Bioinformatics)
  • The international Tel-Hai Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Workshop (together with Dr. Sariel Hubner)
Accordion Title Publications


Accordion Title Dr. Itai Sharon CV

Dr. Itai Sharon CV

Document name: Dr. Itai Sharon CV
Dr. Itai Sharon CV (158.28 KB)
Accordion Title link to

link to

The Sharon Lab website: https://itaisharon.net/SharonLab/
ORCiD: 0000-0003-0705-2316
LinkedInItai Sharon