Here at the AWRC, we believe that taking care of, rehabilitating and releasing injured wildlife is doing a lot, but not quite enough. Wildlife animals face extreme anthropogenic threats on a daily basis and, sadly, their populations for the most part, are in decline. This is why at the AWRC we are committed to creating educational programs that will provide a voice for wildlife, speak of the dangers they face, and teach how we,  as people, can alter this reality.

Currently, the Rehabilitation Center is working on developing an educational and informative program meant to teach the public about nature protection. This class will operate on two platforms: the first platform will provide tours of the Rehabilitation Center at Hula Lake (maintaining the patient’s wellbeing will always be the first priority - looking into the clinic through a window and observing the wildlife in rehabilitation through screens). The second platform will focus on the instruction and education of communities that are not able to come to Hula Lake (schools, kindergartens, etc) by means of outreach programs.

To do so the AWRC requires an accommodating facility (clinic and offices) designed to welcome visitors, as well as a team of guides who can develop and implement the outreach programs in schools and kindergartens. The new facility is currently in the planning process and hopefully by next year we will be able to accommodate our needs to reach a wide audience of people. We do require funds to build the education programs and recruit an educational staff.